Serious business? I guess.
Damn. You made me cry.
I've been a fan of your works -- good and bad, intentionally shitty and accidentally amazing, screamers and epics, blank screens and flash masterpieces -- since I've known about Newgrounds. You were part of the balance of this place, one of the things that made it fun. Sure, some of your submissions pissed people off, and that was the idea. Some of your submissions were fucking incredible, too. Every time I clicked on a Star Syndicate movie, I knew I was in for a surprise -- even if it meant I might need to turn my volume down. But your movies were always *fun*, one way or another.
That's what the Star Syndicate's meant to me... and I'm truly sad to see this group's work come to an end.
This movie brought everything together, in a sad sort of goodbye compilation. Some of the graphics and animation here was incredibly well done, some of it was cheap stick figures, and some of it was pasted random bitmaps, but it was all representative of your two year's time on Newgrounds, and I think it was an entirely appropriate way to say goodbye. Good choice of music, and beautiful animation that -- mostly -- went well with it. I liked the intro and menu, too, even though it was sad. Nice -- if slightly limited -- extras, also. You all did a great job with this piece.
I'll miss you guys, even though I never personally knew any of you. I hope you'll stick around and share you own individual work with us, anyway.
Bye, Star Syndicate. </3